the Book


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 jesus outed  is a rollar coaster ride through the belly of the beast of American Consumer religion with all the bells and whistles clamoring. The book takes you (safely strapped in via humor, farce and some awfully inventive stories and essays) into areas and issues both Fundamentalists and their Foes find taboo.

The main issue is that Jesus has been told to shut up, and that’s just not gonna work, is it?

So, in this book we find all manner of fun stories:
• Jesus rescued from being tied up in a broom closet on tier two (of three) during services at a megachurch;
• Alien space beings mistaking the local mall as the local place of worship;
• Christian couples in mid-divorce warring over “banana boundaries”;
• A depiction of the first Christmas replete with a screaming baby Jesus and actual steamy piles of manure;
• Forget your kids, now we have a place for pets after the Rapture ; and
• How the freest most loved people on Earth someone act just the opposite?

We also have “Jesus Scandals” right out of the New Testament where Jesus shows us how to piss off an entire room of religious people and break up a dinner party in a hurry.

And that’s just the beginning of outing Jesus in this book (we have some serious deeper stuff too ala T.S. Eliot and Kierkegaard). You will actually have fun reading these stories because it will engage your brain, your heart and your imagination – all at the same time.

It will quite possibly leave you wanting to discuss deeper issues with others openly or online.


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